Dale Carnegie Training Apps

Segredos de Sucesso 3.0
Um dos aplicativos de negócios mais vendidosna versão em inglês, agora em português!! Carregue um Coach da DaleCarnegie no seu bolso para lhe ajudar a engajar-se com clientes,seus pares e gerencia a qualquer hora em qualquer lugar.

Precisa motivar sua equipe - Clique em "Seja um Líder" e vejacomo os profissionais fazem.Tem conflitos no departamento - Clique em "Conseguir Cooperação"para ver a maneira certa para conseguir que todos remem na mesmadireção. Precisa fortalecer relacionamentos – assista a maneiraerrada e depois a maneira certa de construir confiança.Segredos de Sucesso irá se tornar o seu coach de bolsoindispensável toda vez que se deparar com uma dessas difíceis“situações com pessoas”. 

Recursos:- 30 vídeos para lhe mostrar como se comportar em cadasituação- Os Princípios de Preocupações comprovados que ajudam agerenciar e superar situações de estresse- Dicas Valiosas em como motivar e engajar você mesmo e a suaequipe- Dose Diária de Confiança—receba uma dica diária que irá lhemanter positivo e entusiástico.One of the best-sellingbusiness applications in the English version, now in Portuguese!Carry a Carnegie Coach in your pocket to help you engage withcustomers, peers and management anytime, anywhere.Need to motivate your team - click on "Be A Leader" and see howthe pros do.Have conflicts in the department - click on "Gain Cooperation" tosee the right way to get everyone rowing in the same direction.Need to strengthen relationships - watch the wrong way and then theright way to build trust.Secrets of Success will become your indispensible pocket coachevery time you face one of those tough "people."
 Resources:- 30 videos to show you how to behave in every situation- The time tested Worry Principles that help manage and overcomestressful situations- Valuable Tips on how to motivate and engage yourself and yourteam- Daily Dose of Confidence-receives a daily tip that will keepyou feeling positive and enthusiastic.
DCT 2014 Convention
Welcome to the Dale Carnegie 2014International Convention App. Please use this tool to help younavigate your way through our workshops, roundtables and generalsessions.
Secretos del Éxito 3.0
Ahora uno de los más vendidos en el mundo delos negocios! Lleve un trainer de Dale Carnegie en su bolsillo,para comprometerse con su cliente, prospect y compañeros encualquier momento y en cualquier lugar.Now one of the most soldworldwide of business! Keep a trainer of Dale Carnegie in yourpocket, to commit with his client, prospect and peers in any timeand anywhere.
Secrets of Success 3.0
Now one of the top selling paidbusinessapps!!--Carry a Carnegie Coach in your pocket to help youengagewith clients, prospects, peers and management anytime,anywhere.Need to motivate your team – click on “Be a Leader” and seehowthe pros do it. Do you have conflict in the department – clickon“Gain Cooperation” to see the right way to get everyone rowinginthe same direction. Need to enhance your relationships– watchthewrong way and then the right way to build trust. You’llfindsecrets of success to be your indispensible pocket coach everytimeyou face one of those tough “people issues.”Features:•90 video clips to show you exactly how to behave ineverysituation•The time tested Worry Principles that help you manage andovercomestressful situations•Valuable Tips on how to motivate and engage yourself andyourteam•Daily Dose of Confidence—receive a daily tip that will keepyoufeeling positive and enthusiastic
Dale Carnegie Training Jordan 3.1
Corporates and individuals seek DaleCarnegie’ssoft skills trainings to overcome business challengesand improveperformance. Through this App, that was especiallydeveloped by theJordanian Dale Carnegie Training franchise, youwill get to see howyou can benefit as a professional from thediscounts and freeservices that the world’s biggest traininginstitute offers. Youcould also register in various trainingprograms like Leadershiptraining for managers, CommunicationSkills and High ImpactPresentation skills programs. You will alsoget to know ourenergetic, engaging and inspiring trainers. ThisApp will alsoprovide you with useful PDF’s and quotes by theAmerican bestsellerwriter Mr. Dale Carnegie.Founded in 1912, Dale Carnegie Training has successfully beenthehome for the following fast facts:1. 103 years of success2. A global network of more than 92 countries3. Trained 450 companies out of the Fortune500 mostsuccessfulcompanies in the world4. More than 8,000,000 graduates from the different programs.5. Author of: How To Win Friends & Influence People,6. The best seller book in the 20th century7. ISO certified training methodology8. Exclusive Certified TrainersFew of our Strategically Important Clients:Zain, Royal Jordanian Airlines, Bank of Jordan, IATA,Orange,Jordan Kuwaiti Bank, Four Seasons Hotel, Higher Council forYouth,Hikma Pharmaceuticals, Audi Bank, US Embassy, Al Rajhi Bank,ABCBank, USAID, Land Mark Hotel, Mednet Healthcare, GEHealthcare,Cairo Amman Bank, Abu Khader Automotive, PetraDrugStore,University of Jordan, Junior Chamber InternationalLocal Achievements:- More than 90% of our sessions hit total satisfaction rateof92%. -The Satisfaction Rate represents participants satisfactiononour programs.-- We have more than 2500 graduates since 2012 .- Awarded “Best Achiever Award in the Trainers Development Areainthe Global Network. .- Brokethrough when it comes to the number of Trainer’sAcademy’sconducted .- Signed collaborative agreements with 3 universitiesincluding:University of Jordan; Princess Sumaya and AlAhliyyaUniversity- 20 Certified Dale Carnegie Trainers- Our corporate database has exceeded 25 corporates in only 2yearsof establishmentLinkedin:https://www.linkedin.com/company/dale-carnegie-jordan?FB: https://www.facebook.com/DaleCarnegieJordanTwitter: https://twitter.com/DaleCarnegieJoInstagram: https://instagram.com/dalecarnegiejo/Google Plus: http://goo.gl/THSrI2